The Guild of Working Designers is a vibrant community of practice that fosters connections, supports professional growth, and drives industry change. Established in 2020, we have grown to over 800 members and host various events, workshops, and collaborative projects.

About the Guild

Guild Purpose.png


Our community is built on five core values:

Read more about our values

Guild Values

Code of Conduct

Support, Commiserate & Activate

There are two ways to engage in our community: as a participant or as a co-creator.

The Guild is a community built by designers for designers. We aim to create a collaborative and supportive space where everyone can contribute and thrive.

For many, the natural inclination is to engage as a participant. This approach feels safe and allows you to observe and absorb what’s happening around you. However, true growth and learning come from stepping up and getting involved. We encourage you to embrace the role of a co-creator.

This is your space to innovate, learn, and grow.

There are no set expectations or KPIs here. It’s about your creativity, your ideas, and your initiative. Dive in, experiment, and make this community your own, alongside a group of like-minded designers ready to support and collaborate with you.

Meet the Core Team

Have a great idea for an event or project? Pitch it to the community in the #general channel on Slack and rally a team to bring it to life.

Here’s how you can get involved

Growth happens through active participation and collaboration.

Join Slack: Apply to join

Members Map: Find designers in your city

Attend Events: Join an event

Volunteer: Application coming soon

Works in Progress

We are all about experimenting, check out some of the projects the Core Team is working on.

Shortcuts Podcast

Venting Session

Design Dossier

Meetup Videos Archive